JFK 50 Mile

JFK 50 Mile

JFK 50 Mile

( 8 reviews )
100% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Hagerstown ,
    United States
  • November
  • 50 miles
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

Cole Crosby

Princeton, New Jersey, United States
0 3
"Snowy day at JFK "
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Cole Crosby's thoughts:

I’ve run JFK twice: 2014 and 2018 where I placed 5th and the 9th.

The history of JFK is super cool and the prestige of the race as one of the oldest ultras in the country and a very competitive event has a nice draw to it.

JFK is a great course! It’s diverse with hilly roads into the rocky Appalachian Trail, the flat towpath and more rolling farm roads. For 50 miles, it’s a fast course and one that if you pace it well, it can be a PR event for you and also a really great experience. Patience is the magic word for this run. If you conserve energy in the first 18 miles of the race through the Appalachian Trail, it gives you the chance to run a solid marathon on the flat towpath which is where this race is won.
If you Push too hard on the course early on, well it usually does not bode well.

The aid stations are awesome, the roar of the crowds off of the Weaverton Cliffs is a combo of a trail race and the crowd noise and support of a major marathon.

My only knock on JFK is the race is expensive to enter into and what you get is not as much as other marathons priced this way. You Pay for the history of this race and the prestige of running a trail race that has been going on for over 50 plus years.

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