Latest reviews by Ashley

"Fast, Flat Half Marathon"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management

Great flat, fast course. The race is well put together with plenty of space to pass runners while still having a group to run in. The course is closed to the public, so there is no need to worry about pedestrians or bikers to dodge. This course is great for getting your next PR.

The race suggests to park at the Museum of Science and Industry for a fee($17-25). There is closer street (free) parking if you park on the University of Chicago Campus. Both years I have parked by their theology/seminary building and have had no trouble finding parking or walking to the runner's village. The walk is around 10-15 min. I also like to park by 6:00am (an hour before race time). I also suggest you bag check immediately when you arrive. Once the time gets to around 6:25am, the bag check lines become very long.

Aid stations this year were Skratch and water. There was a GU station about half way through the race, but when I had arrived there were not enough volunteers handing the GU out. I suggest you come with your own gels and have enough to last you the race and an extra in case you lose one.

They finally changed the shirt sizing from 2015. The participation shirt I received in 2015 was terribly small. I wear Women's XL in athletic apparel, but the XL shirt felt like a medium. The shirt for 2016 fit much better. I really dislike the giant medal. It's quite obnoxious. Though the quality of the medal is very nice, the reason to run this race is the chance to PR and run fast, not have this massive hunk of medal.

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