Latest reviews by Keith West

"Local, Friendly 5K"
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Race Management

This was a friendly, family fun local 5K. Small race with beautiful scenery around Lake Baldwin Park. Nice and easy out-and-back along the lake. The only challenge is there are a few pinch points along the course which makes it difficult to get around slow runners and walkers. Also, the park is open to those not running the race so you can encounter others out for a walk or run in the park and encounter people who are walking their dogs. Course was nicely labelled with mile marker signs and the water station was available right after the turnaround loop.

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"Ultra Challenge, all 4 races"
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Race Management

This was my second time racing the Gasparilla Classic and my first time attempting the Ultra Challenge. The race was well organized from beginning to the end. The biggest challenge was finding parking for the expo and parking the morning of the races. Big recommendation is to get downtown early to find a place to park. The map provided in the booklet given at the expo is beneficial with a map of nearby parking garages. The booklet is full of great information needed for race day is a great resource to rely on before the race.
The entire weekend this year was quite warm for all four races. The organizers did a great job with having water sprayers along the course to assist with keeping runners cool and plenty of hydration stations along the course. I enjoyed the markers letting runners know when they reached the halfway point of each race.
The courses were very runner-friendly. There were not any pinch points for runners to get jammed up with each other. There was plenty of room to maneuver along the course and easily navigate through the water stations. There was on course support locations and entertainment to keep you moving along the course as well.
Post race was excellent too. There was a station to hold your medal from the first race of the day to be picked up after the second race. After the races, there were plenty of drinks and food for the runners to enjoy. The best part was it set up in the shade underneath a breezeway.

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"Florida Hospital Watermelon 5K"
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Race Management

A great family race experience. Well organized event from the beginning to the end. Easy access to pick up bibs the morning of the race with easy convenience to look up bib number before getting to the tables. Information was easy to hear over the public address system and pacing markers were easy to identify to line up appropriately. There was plenty of room to warm up before the race and to stay cool in the shade before the race began.

Aid stations were available at the 1-mile and 2.25-mile markers. All stations were well-stocked by the volunteers with water and there were no delays or back-ups getting through the stations. Volunteers were well placed at the finish line with water at the finish line and there was plenty of watermelon at the finish line.

The course was a nice, easy stroll through Winter Park neighborhoods. Portions of the course were over bricks but the bricks were well maintained and did not present much of a hazard to runners. Neighborhood residents were along the course cheering runners along the course and there were a few offering doughnuts as well.

The only drawback to the race is that it is an untimed event. But it is great fun for the family.

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"Bricks of Fun"
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Race Management

This race was a great experience, very runner and family friendly. The beginning of the race begins in the parking lot and moves quickly into the park. By the time the course reaches any pinch points or narrow paths, the pack has thinned out enough to allow for easy passing. The few "hills" on the course are gentle and are followed by fast downhills. The course even takes you through the old botanical garden that was in place before the park opened. There were two character picture locations on the course. The best part is the medal is made of Lego bricks.

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"Disney Marathon "
Aid Stations
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Race Management

As my first marathon experience, this was a great race for me to choose. As usual, the parking was easily accessible and the traffic flow was easy. Getting through security was fairly easy. The hardest part for me was the anxiety of standing in the corrals waiting for my wave to release. Apparently, there were waves within the waves, which made it difficult to determine when I was going to officially start. There were a few points where the course narrows and running through construction zones this year took away from the scenery aspect of the race. I truly appreciated the course support, especially running through EPCOT when my legs really did not want to work anymore. Having mouse ears at the finish line was a great touch.

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