Latest reviews by Toni

"Lake Wobegon Trail Marathon 2017"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management

Overall, this race was good! Friday night was packet pick up. There was no expo, but they did have an excellent all you can eat pasta supper. My husband and I enjoy going to those when races offer them, and this one did not disappoint.

Since this was their 10 year race anniversary, they had race jackets for those that signed up by a certain date. I had ordered one size too big, but they had enough for me to exchange the next day. It's always great to have extra race memorabilia.

Saturday morning, the race started at 7 AM in a town that was about a 20 mile drive from the finish. They did have buses, but that meant eating and leaving about an hour plus before the race started. Thankfully I had family at the race that was about to drive me to the start.

The race had warmer weather than normal, so this definitely didn't help things. There were plenty of water stations throughout the course. My only complaint was there was no Gu offered throughout the race. Only water at all stations and gatorade towards the end.

Even though the race was on a bike path, there were still lots of areas for spectators. Plus the spectators were extra enthusiastic!!

Lake Wobegon Trail Marathon was hyped up to me as flat and fast! When the race started, I was definitely not expecting what I saw. Even though the course wasn't hilly, it was not flat. According to my Garmin, almost the first 12 miles were up a slight incline. Was this detrimental to my race? No, but my head was not ready for what I saw. This was all mental for me.

I would definitely recommend this race to others, but warn them this course is not as flat as they may be expecting.

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