Latest reviews by Jeanne

"Memorable Marathon"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management

The MCM is incredible.

Race day started stressful as we were told to get there early - like 4 or 5 a.m., due to security measures. We arrived about 4:30 and got right through - which meant we had hours to wait in the freezing cold before the race actually started. Never been so cold, actually couldn't look up when the planes flew over. Yup - they have a military plane fly over before the start. Normally something I would love - but cold... too cold.

The race was exceptionally well organized. Plenty of port-a-potties, water stops, plus great scenery (Marines!) everywhere. The course itself has a few hills, but the scenery and crowd support made the hills seem easy.

While I appreciate the need for a time limit, I am not overly fond of the "beat the bridge" portion of the race. Happens after mile marker 18. When you start late, due to your being a slower runner, and then have to worry about getting to the bridge in time... it can make you do those early miles a bit faster than you should!

An unexpected surprise - donuts on the course. Mile 22, when I was sure I was going to have to stop and walk - mini donuts were gifted to the runners. Never thought I'd eat a donut midway through a marathon, but I gotta tell you, it was DELICIOUS. And just what I needed.

It was my second marathon, and it was a few years ago. But if I'm going to use this site and enter race reviews, I just have to enter this one. It should be on every runner's bucket list.

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