Latest reviews by Brandon

"40th Running of The San Francisco Marathon"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management

This is an ideal, big city racecation (especially if you don't win the lottery for other big city races). No lottery for this race, just make sure you register before it sells out (which happened for all races this year, due to it being the 40th Anniversary race). If you're traveling in for the race, be prepared to spend $$$ on a hotel room -- SF is not cheap. This race runs past/through all of the highlights of the city -- the Ferry Building, Embarcadero, Pier 39, Fisherman's Wharf, Ghirardelli, Golden Gate Bridge, Haight-Ashbury, and AT&T Park.

The race expo is expansive. But warning -- it is not located in the middle of the city/tourist areas/race start and finish lines. Will need some logistical planning on your part to get there, but there are a number of ways to get there (e.g., shuttle from host hotel, ferry, SF city bus).

In the instructions sent to all participants, you are told that you must have your ID in order to pick up your bib. When I got to the registration table, I told the volunteer my bib number and was about to show her my ID when she told me that she didn't need to see it. She showed me my bib and asked me if the name on the sticker was me. This is a no-no! When race management sends out their post-race survey, I will make sure to bring this up with them because anyone could have walked up and gotten someone's bib.

However, race management made an exerted effort to ensure that no one was running with a copied bib. Before you could enter your corral, you had to clear the best race volunteers in the world -- members of the local motorcycle clubs! The large, bearded men physically felt each bib to make sure they were authentic before you were allowed into the corral. Personally, one of my favorite things about the SF Marathon are the leather-clad men and women and their motorcycles, acting as traffic control and cheering on all of the runners.

Karl the Fog definitely made his presence known! I'm sorry for all of the out-of-towners who were hoping to get a selfie running over the Golden Gate Bridge, but the misty fog kept it cool and perfect for running.

My favorite part of the race was running past the bison paddocks in Golden Gate Park, but that's because these large, strong animals are my favorite. (Probably because I look like a running bison when I run. Haha)

Water and nuun performance at every aid station, Gu chews at two stations. A few more volunteers were needed at some of the aid stations because they couldn't keep up with the number of runners passing through sometimes.

Great long sleeve tech shirt, amazing medal (and opportunities to earn multiple medals with their challenges), great local participation and support. Overall, I would highly recommend this race to long as you're prepared to run a number of hills.

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"Raleigh's Hometown Race"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management

The greatest marathon experience I've had (and not just because it was my first)!

Unbelievable local support for this race. Lots of people along the city streets cheering for you for people who need this, but also very quiet and serene when running on the paved Greenway trail for people who need that. And for those who don't know Raleigh, it is hilly.

City of Oaks also has a Full Marathon Relay for teams of 4. If you are running the full, make sure you have a strong mental game, because it can be discouraging to be passed by a runner who is on their Mile 1 and you're on your Mile 21...

Amazing medals and Southern hospitality. What more do I have to say?

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