Latest reviews by Aaron

"2017 BTN Big10k"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management

I only have two complaints about the organization of this race. The first is that they managed to find all of the man-made hills that exist in Chicago and send us up all of them. It was still pretty flat, but as someone who lives and trains in Chicago, it was a little obnoxious that we kept turning corners to find more "hills". The second one is that the race shirts for Northwestern alumni were the wrong shade of purple. This is maybe something that the school should be more pointed in complaining about overall, but as a race sponsored by the Big 10 Athletic conference, it's not that hard to figure out what colors the shirts should be.
Aside from those two things, this was a really solid race. It was really hot and humid, but that was almost helpful in keeping me from pushing my recently rehabbed knee faster than it was ready for. And the race did a good job of stocking its aid stations as well as having water stations surrounding the start area before the race.

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