Latest reviews by Lesley Doane

"Memorable Missoula"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management

This was my fourth time in Missoula to race. I did the half several years ago and chose this for my first marathon in 2015. I returned again in 2017 then just couldn't stay away this summer.
Not only do I love this town, but this marathon is still my favorite. Beautiful course with temps at perfect running conditions (especially with moving the race from July to June). We cross three bridges in the full with a doable hill halfway. The neighborhoods are a great way to finish - everyone is out cheering with their own special goodies and sprinklers to cool you down. The best volunteers, from those directing traffic to running the aid stations. You can feel their energy push you through and their genuine encouragement motivate you! The pacers are fun and truely there to help you have a super memorable experience.
My goal was a sub 4 and I accomplished this one due to all the amazing course support.
It is always so organized and easy, from packet pick -up to gear bag (they had mine ready before I even walked up all the way) to the food and photos. All I wanted after was the watermelons and frozen fruit bar - yum!! A cold water and coke tasted amazing!
The whole town and businesses welcome you entirely instead of making you feel like you inconvenienced their streets and way of life (I have done 3 other big city races that left this impression).
Love this town, race, and people!!!!

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