Latest reviews by Sam D

"Amazing race all around! My favorite one!"
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Beautiful scenery the entire time. If you’re doing the full, the course thins out once the half runners leave to turn. It is an out and back course for the last good chunk. Course support was great! The expo was amazing with TONS of giveaways. The start line is perfect to get dropped off at, if you can! Otherwise there a garage literally at the starting line! Early start makes for less heat and a beautiful sunrise. The finish line is amazing with SO much food! It’s great to hang out on the beach, grab a bite at one of the many local restaurants and enjoy the vendors at the finish line. Parking for spectators was easy as well. The medals are HUGE!! This is my favorite and a must do. The weather can be fairly cool (2020 started out in the low 50s) or a little warmer so prepare for options.

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"A must do race!"
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Beautiful scenery the entire time with awesome crowds and a great expo. The race takes you through all of the best scenes of Miami, so even as a local, it is beautiful and exciting. The entire vibe of the race is so exciting and fun! The post race party is great and they always have great snacks. I've done both the full and half here and LOVED both!

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"Awesome race put on by a wonderful run club! Worth the trip!"
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The 2019 Heartland Half marathon was a little different than other years considering it was cancelled within the first 3 miles due to extreme weather conditions. I have raced dozens of races over the years and never experienced this type of situation especially with the flooding and storm that happened. It was pretty insane but the race management handled it so well. They tried their best in a crazy situation. The 5k that I did get to run of the course was fabulous despite the downpour. The run club putting it on was excellent and so kind! We stayed in a hotel right near the start and people could not have been nicer. Omaha is such a fun hidden gem of a town and we made an entire weekend out of it. Easy access from the airport via a tram and plenty to do! Definitely check this one off the list. It is a smaller race with all the good aspects!

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"HUGE 10k and a cool way to see the city!"
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Great experience for a BIG 10k/5k. This is definitely a fun race and a cool experience. Great views of the city. The only draw back is that for a shorter race, there is a lot of work to get to the start line. You park downtown, then line up in massive lines to board city busses to take you to the start lines. It is jam packed at the start. This process takes a bit so while the start is later (9am), you have to be there early still by hours. I don't love that aspect of it but its a very fun race with a big race atmosphere. You get some awesome views and it's just a fun run with a lot of excited runners. Most of the race is downhill!

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"Downhill, very downhill with amazing views!"
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Race Management

Such a fun small town race! There isn't really an expo but that was okay. Packet pickup at the local running store is next to the best ice cream in town so make sure you grab some!
The medal for the race is super cool and wooden! The shirt was simple but cute.
You are bussed from the Commons where you park to the start line way up on the hill. There are plenty of port o potties and room to start. Then you go downhill the entire race basically! It makes for gorgeous views and a super quick race. Due to an injury, I was forced to walk this one and had such a blast! Friendly people, fun trails and downhill made it a hit. Plus you cannot beat Ithaca!!

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