Latest reviews by Beth Judy

"Fun and flat "
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I ran this on a very cold October morning but they had huge heat lamps and coffee all over. The energy was great. This was for the Columbus Children’s hospital so you ran each mile for a child. Each mile told their story and they even had a temporary tattoo you could put on your arm to track your miles and the children. They had many signs during each mile telling you about the child and their illness. Then you got to high five the child. There was a silent angel mile as you rounded the hospital that was beautiful and chilling.

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"Fun but always hot!"
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I’ve run the half and the 10k of this race. It’s always hot in August and the humidity is usually pretty intense. The Akron Marathon Series is always fun to complete. The swag is generally cute as well. The only part I don’t love is running on the test track. As fun as it sounds it actually the most boring part. Being in Akron, of course it is hilly. But as with all things Akron Marathon, it’s wonderfully organized and fun.

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"Fun but always hot!"
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I’ve run the half and the 10k of this race. It’s always hot in August and the humidity is usually pretty intense. The Akron Marathon Series is always fun to complete. The swag is generally cute as well. The only part I don’t love is running on the test track. As fun as it sounds it actually the most boring part. Being in Akron, of course it is hilly. But as with all things Akron Marathon, it’s wonderfully organized and fun.

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"Beer and Running "
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The first of the Akron Marathon Series. Starts and ends at the Akron U football stadium. You end on the field. I’ve run this one 3 times. Once it poured and the other 2 times it was unbearably hot and humid. There is a fun beer fest at the end where you can taste local beers and have local food. Very fun!

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"Lonely "
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This was my first half. It probably it wasn’t the best race for a first half. I would recommend it for someone who has been running for a while. It’s a double loop. Although the scenery in the National Park is gorgeous-especially in the fall, it’s very lonely. You are running single file alongside the road so you can never really be in a group. Plus it had a rather sell turnout so there aren’t many people to begin with. It’s rather hilly as well. Lastly the worst part for me was crossing the finish. You change terrain from pavement to a gravel path. That was a shock to my legs and knees. Great race if you are fan of running solo in nature though

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