Latest reviews by Kristen S

"Had Fun Being a Cotton-Headed Ninny Muggins!"
Race Management
Virtual Support

This was a fun one. Even though I completed this virtual race outside, in the December cold it was a blast. I was really impressed with the SWAG pack; the zip up and beanie are high quality - I do wish these items would have had the year on them, but at least the ribbon of the medal said 2020. I am a fan of the movie and know I will wear the jacket and beanie again. They had a slight issue in getting the medals out but they were very upfront with communication and it was all fine in the end.

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"Iron Man medal for a 5k"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management

Full disclosure, I ran this 5k on my treadmill. I signed up because I wanted to Iron Man medal and then since I was running by myself I decided to just run it at my house.
The medal is awesome. I wish runDisney would have sold merch online for the virtual races, would be nice to have a shirt featuring Iron Man.
When you sign up you get digital files for mile markers, a bib and a finishers certificate. I thought these were nice touches.
All in all, it’s Disney so it is always going to be fun - even if you run it at home from your treadmill.

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"First Ever Marathon, Might As Well Be in Disney"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management

This was my first (and so far only) marathon I ever ran. Prior to this race I had only ever ran a half marathon. The information leading up to race weekend was very forthcoming, very detailed and very clear. The expo floor was extremely crowded so I did not fully experience all that was offered as I spent quite sometime in line purchasing merch. Spirits were high, character photo ops were placed throughout the route and it is fun running behind the scenes of Walt Disney World.
My least favorite part was the stretch of the route that was on the highway, black top in the Florida sun (even in January) with no covering is brutal.
There seemed to be plenty of aid and water stations, my favorite station being near the end gave out chocolate.
I thought this race was great for a first-timer as there were a lot of first-timers and a lot of people just running for fun and not personal bests. I would love to do this again.

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"First Half Marathon"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management

This was my first half marathon. Being in the center of Philly we stayed the night prior in a hotel in NJ for easier access to the starting line. Running through the city there are certainly things to look at but it wasn’t over-the-top exciting.
For terrain, the one thing that sticks out to me is a hill that was probably around 10th mile, knowing how close I was to the end, this hill killed me.
Other than that, I’d say I had fun for it being my first half marathon and for being there with friends not sure I’d go with this location again but the cheese stake afterwards was really good.

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