Latest reviews by Susan Haag

"One of the BEST marathons "
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Just do this race! I’ve done it almost 10x and would do it more than once a year if offered. There is little NOT to like! Expo rocks! Course covered with monuments. Lots of camaraderie during the race with lots of spectators. Only criticism might be lack of food on course - but that may just be me (I find I starve for proper energy at Disney as I don’t wanna have to carry my own gels at an expensive marathon).

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"Great fast local marathon "
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If you want fast times, this is the race to do it. If you just want low key scenic marathon- this is it! If you want “Disney” esqe experience, this is NOT it. Spectators thin out after you leave the 5K. The half runs at the same time so you have lots of excitement in the beginning and it can get kinda lonely if you do the full, but great to chase a pace! They have pacers if you wish so that is super helpful. As far as “frills”, there are few. No real expo - just packet pick up at a running store with sales. Aid stations are plentiful but minimal options. I take a while and I find the finish line is usually pretty sparse and soup and bagels picked over.

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"Hills & more hills "
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I’ve done this one many times and love the expo and course! I enjoy a busy fun filled course and this is it! Love the neighbors who come out to cheer you on through their festive & beautiful neighborhoods. They offer treats which is ALWAYS huge in my book. Lots of dogs to pet. Definitely not a course for a flat lander to PR.

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"Rollers & frivolity "
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Nashville and it’s bands were enjoyable. I do love a marathon adventure exploring the city !

I MUST admit the 1st half is FAR more scenic & has much more great live music.

The last half may try one's inner threads - but I did love running around some big ole lake around mile 21-22 or so.

And I will always have a big ole hug in my heart for the Nashville HashHouse Harriers. There was NOT enough race course food & I was flagging mightily. I literally fell at their station & pledged undying love forever for 2 cups of salty yummy Pepperidge Farm goldfish, 2 slippery sweet stix of licorice, a half of a mustardy hotdog plucked out of its little nestly bun, a Choco chip granola bar tucked in my bra to celebrate w/ later and a big ole cup of beer.... And had so much energy to get the last 2.5 miles tucked in!!

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"Woodlands is so fun "
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I’ve done IMTX 3x - I’m not a huge fan of the usually not wetsuit legal swim in a huge lake. I prefer current and buoyancy. The bike course isn’t difficult but can get boring. The run is packed with fans and spectators and the loops can be fun if you have some waiting on you. My feet get torn up on the Boardwalk but I do like all the excitement... I also like running through the Woodlands and the greenery.

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