Latest reviews by Thane Bennett

"Wasatch Back is Back"
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After a race cancellation in 2020 due to the pandemic, the Ragnar Relay Wasatch Back returned as a sprint instead of a full Ragnar. Even though the format was shorted from 12 person teams down to 6 runners with only 2 legs each, it had its new challenges including shortened rest time between legs. The race was well organized and the views and scenery are second to none. Running through the Wasatch mountains of Utah with its elevation changes and rustic areas made the miles fly by making me long for more. I hope that down the road the race returns to it original 24-40 hr format, but I highly recommend this team event bringing teams together like no other event can.

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"Vegas Baby "
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There’s nothing like running down the Las Vegas strip under the neon lights with 30,000 of your closet running friends. There are only two times a year that the strip is completely closed, New Years and the Rock n’ Roll Marathon. With that many runners and tightened security getting to the start line was a little crazy, but it fits right in with Las Vegas. The flat course and night time temps provide a great atmosphere for finding your pace and soaking it all in. There are plenty of aide stations and music along the way. With thousands of spectators there is no lack of support (and even those just wondering what is going on). We annual make a getaway of it and take in a few shows and stay in a different hotel along the strip each year. We were disappointed that it was understandably cancel in 2020 due to the pandemic, but looking forward to the trip in Feb 2022. Feel free to join us, you won’t be disappointed.

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