Latest reviews by Anna Olson

"Half Marathon Review "
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Race Management

I had a blast at this race! Running by the shore line was gorgeous (even if it was gusty winds). The atmosphere was so positive, it was hard to not have fun while at this race. A few things that would of made this race even better. At the race start line, there was only 4 port-a-pottys. Because of this, there was a MASSIVE line to use them before the start of the race. We did get bussed there from the school, and at the school there were only 2 port-a-pottys. With as many racers as there were, we DEFINITELY needed more bathrooms. Also, because we were getting bussed from where parking was to the start line, the race started about 15 minutes late. On their website, there was no exact time frame of when the busses would stop shuttling runners, just when the race started. I think it might be helpful to have a time frame so the race can start on time for next year.

Other than the bathroom issues, and the bus schedule, the race was so much to compete it, and hopefully I am around for next years race!

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