The Chicago Marathon

The Chicago Marathon

The Chicago Marathon

( 250 reviews )
99% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Chicago,
    United States
  • October
  • 3 miles/5K, 26.2 miles/Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website


Connecticut, United States
4 5
"My first BQ attempt"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Shannon 's thoughts:

This was the race were I was supposed to BQ. On paper, my training was spot on for a 3:35 marathon. Didn't miss many runs. Nutrition was solid. I had run a hot, humid hilly half marathon faster than I needed to and felt great after. That BQ was mine!
Fast forward to a week before the race. I come down with flu like symptoms. Go to the doctors and in addition to my server cold, I had ear and sinus infections. I was put on antibiotics and told not to do the race.
I, of course, got on a plane the few days later and ended up running the race. Takes more than an illness for this girl to get a DNS!
We stayed at the host hotel and it was fantastic! If you run Chicago, I strongly recommend this. You literally walk right across the street to the start. I doubt any other big city race could have an easier start/finish if you are staying at the host hotel. We didn't have to wait very long, either, before starting. It was nothing like the wait in NYC or Boston.
The first mile is congested, but after that, you are fine. It's actually a good thing. You could easily get carried away here. A flat fast course in a big city can tend to move you faster than you should be starting.
I, however, never got going. I really had no business running. I was so sick. I could not stop coughing. It was horrible. Each step and breath hurt worse than the one before. It was such a shame. I was so excited about being there. Needless to say, I didn't get my BQ that day. And I did quite a number on my immune system. I remained sick for 2 months after the race.
All that being said, Chicago is amazing! The crowds were so supportive. When you are hurting and struggling to breath, you need all the support you can get and the people here really get you through the tough times. Course is a dream. Can't ask for a better course. Flat. Fast. I hope to run it again under better circumstances. I was going to register for it this year (since I have a time based guaranteed entry), but opted to skip it for a smaller local marathon.

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