Beast 2 Feast 5K

Beast 2 Feast 5K

Beast 2 Feast 5K

( 1 review )
100% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Minneapolis,
    United States
  • November
  • 3 miles/5K
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

Sara R

Minnesota, United States
0 4
"Fun, smaller Thanksgiving race"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Sara R's thoughts:

This was a fun Thanksgiving race to do if you're looking to avoid the gigantic downtown races. They offer a 5K and 10K.

Packet pick-up was available at a local running store starting a week ahead of the race, as well as the morning of. It was not advertised for this, however. It was advertised on their Facebook page as well as the race page as only being available the day before Thanksgiving by 5:00 p.m. or the morning of. The weekend before the race I happened to see an Instagram post stating packet pick-up was now available. This poor communication (there was also a lack of email notifications for reminders before the race, etc.) was the only bad part of the race, but it is something that should be fixed in my opinion.

Along with the bib, a long-sleeved Brooks technical shirt came with registration. Very fun logo and nice quality.

Race day was great. The parking lot right by the lake that is normally for the business center was free to us to use due to it being a holiday, and there was an abundance of spots. Super easy and very, very nice to sit in my warm car until the last minute.

The race went off without a hitch around Bde Maka Ska, a very nice lake. There were no aid stations for the 5K, which was fine as you don't need them for that short of a race (there was water for the 10K race at one stop). The Happy Thanksgiving banners that lined the finish line chute were a nice seasonal touch. The medals were very fun as well.

Post-race snacks included water, crackers, salted nut roll candy bars, granola or protein bars, and chips.

Overall it was a very good race to do if you'd rather not deal with the huge crowds of many other holiday races (546 people were in the 5K, much less even in the 10K) but still have music, a nice finish line, nice swag, etc.

I hope they improve the communication and incorrect info they posted everywhere in the future. Thanksgiving week is very busy for most people, and having correct info before the race is imperative. Anderson Race Management may be at fault for this as they ran the race.

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