Big Sur International Marathon

Big Sur International Marathon

Big Sur International Marathon

( 33 reviews )
96% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Carmel,
    United States
  • April
  • 10 miles, 26.2 miles/Marathon, Relay, Other
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

Derek Bergey

California, United States
0 1
"A cash grab"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Derek Bergey's thoughts:

I didn't run the marathon because, like many events this year, it was at first postponed because of COVID. Well, let me backtrack. I signed up to run 21 miles, which sounds like an odd number but that's what they declare as their marathon. Which isn't true, they have a 26.2 but once it sells out, they still want money so they have a 21-mile run. Which, again, odd. But, I signed up for the race and paid extra for the race insurance. When the they canceled in April, the option was, push to November, or get 60% off next year's race. I said, since fewer people are going, I'll pay the difference and bump me up to 26.2. or just let me use my insurance and get a full refund. They said they'd let me know. However, today we're all told, it's canceled, so you can either get 60% off next year (meaning, pay 160% for a race) or, they will be happy to donate your entry money to their sponsors and partners. Which they reiterate in the email, is generous, and should be considered. When I'd wrote them and said, I can't do next year, and I'm not paying again just to have it canceled. So, I'd like to use my race insurance and get a refund. They told me nope. Had I used it before (while I was waiting for them to get back to me.) I might have been able to get a refund. But now, no. They don't give refunds for canceled races. So now me and however many people are out of the money, and that's it. Give another $80 in the hopes we can run next year, or donate the $170 we've already spent to their sponsors.

Overall, this has been a huge sham and if I were anyone looking at running it, realize you might get to run. Or, they might cancel and tell you to go kick rocks when you ask about a refund. Hence, I'll never sign up or work with them again.

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