Boston Marathon

Boston Marathon

Boston Marathon

( 68 reviews )
100% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Boston,
    United States
  • April
  • 26.2 miles/Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

Mark Davidhizar

Elkhart, Indiana, United States
55 81
"The most miserable/rewarding experience of my life"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Mark Davidhizar's thoughts:

Lifetime goal was met this April when I finally got to run in this prestigious event. Everything was better than I could have ever thought of, even though the weather far from cooperated on race day.
The days leading up to the marathon were great as well. My advice, if you can get into Boston early enough, go to the expo on Friday and rest your legs the rest of the weekend. Our schedule did not work out for us to do so and we went to the expo on Saturday. Plan to spend a few hours on your feet when you go. Every shoe company that you can think of as well as every running product (or non running product) as well as other races. It can be mass chaos. The line on Saturday morning to get race bibs was not too bad.
Before going, check out twitter and other social media sites to see when and where your favorite professional or former runner will be. Was hoping to see Bill Rogers but after meeting Meb at an event at a local hotel, that was enough for me. Also on Saturday morning, check out the 5k and the mile races as well.
If you are looking for a way to stay off your feet, Duck Tours are a great way to stay off your feet and see the city (make reservations ahead of time as marathon weekend fills up fast).
Race day has its draw backs with an early wake up call to get on the bus to head to the starting line but if you qualified and got in, it's a sacrifice worth making. There is no bag check at the starting line so be prepared to donate anything you don't plan on wearing when running to charity (there is a place to leave your bags where you load in the buses to have waiting for you at the finish.
As you would expect, the course is very well staffed with volunteers and getting the hydration you need should not be a problem.
Many will tell you to relax really, don't pound your legs too much on the down hills and save them for the late miles. They are right. The scream tunnel is as advertised. Very very loud. People say there are three Bewton Hills. I think there are 4 with the last being Heartbreak Hill. I would say the 3rd hill is the toughest though. After Heartbreak, it's all down hill and there is no better feeling than seeing the Citgo sign and finally the right on Herford, Left on Boylston. The crowds are unreal at the finish.
If you get the opportunity to run Boston, take it. There truly is nothing like it.

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