Coastal Delaware Running Festival

Coastal Delaware Running Festival

Coastal Delaware Running Festival

( 19 reviews )
100% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Dewey Beach,
    United States
  • May
  • 13.1 miles/Half Marathon, 26.2 miles/Marathon, Other
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

Jessica Newell

Ohio, United States
0 5
"Scenic, Speedy Half"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Jessica Newell's thoughts:

Initially, I wanted to run this race as a full marathon but I started feeling a twinge in my hip about a month prior to the race and didn't want to push any injury. So I scaled back to the half, which was perfect! A word of warning to those who are looking to venture away from the suggested hotels or typical Air BNB's, know that it's still off-season for the area so the hotel we booked wasn't technically even open when we called to make reservations. Thankfully, it worked out (thanks to the folks at Atlantis Inn!) The shops in the area are adorable (if open) and I would highly recommend Nicola Pizza for a carbo load.

Since we were able to stay so close to the start line, we rolled out of bed and were at the start line pretty promptly. They released by time corrall, which was very well organized. We had perfect weather, and the morning was VERY high energy! You begin on a boardwalk (which takes some getting used to, so I would recommend getting there a day early and doing a shakeout run along the boardwalk to get used to the surface) and then you weave through the picturesque beachtown neighborhood. There is a long stretch of road between the town and Cape Henlopen State Park that is a little sunny, but still ok for the short amount of time that you're running. The first stretch of the park is also fairly sunny, and at one point you switch from paved road, to gravel road, to another boardwalk, to trail. The small lake and beautiful trees are worth the run! The turnaround is a bit of a sharp turn, and then you're off back on the same route back.

The ending is loads of fun with announcers and cheers. I don't recall much of the food at the end of the race, but getting fun pictures on the beach was a perfect way to end the day. I wished I had been able to run the full, so I think I will revisit this race to do my Marathon once I'm ready to check Delaware off my 50 States list.

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