Detroit Free Press Marathon

Detroit Free Press Marathon

Detroit Free Press Marathon

( 121 reviews )
95% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Detroit,
    United States
  • October
  • 13.1 miles/Half Marathon, 26.2 miles/Marathon, Virtual Race
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

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Two countries, one great race. From 26.2 to 5K, we have a distance for you.


Michigan, United States
0 1
"Salty about Selfie Takers"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
b 's thoughts:

Even though it's cool that finishers of this race get to say they've run to another country, DO NOT do this race if you are trying to qualify for Boston or New York. The course gets EXTREMELY congested on the bridge, in the tunnel, and at the aid stations. You lose precious energy trying to fight the crowds which in the long run costs you those precious minutes you need for qualification. The fact that this race also attracts a number of non-serious participants who don't practice common courtesy and stop in the mid- course to take a selfie adds to the congestion. I really hope race organizers address this problem in the near future because its gotten out of hand.

The course is relatively flat with the major hills being the climb on the Ambassador Bridge (BRUTAL) and the ascent out of the tunnel (not so bad). Scenery is meh. Yes there is a cool view of Detroit from the Ambassador Bridge and from along the river on the Canada side but miles 8 thru 13 don't have that much to offer.

The finish line area this year seemed like a cluster compared to years past. I almost missed receiving a medal as the volunteers handing out the medals were not well identified. The grub bag left more to be desired.

Overall I rated this race a 3 out of 5 because of the congestion issues and the poor quality of the aid stations and finish line area. Will I do this race next year after all my ranting? Probably, but I will find a different half as my qualifier.

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