Diamond Valley Lake Marathon

Diamond Valley Lake Marathon

Diamond Valley Lake Marathon

( 2 reviews )
50% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Hemet,
    United States
  • March
  • 5 miles/8K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon, 26.2 miles/Marathon
  • Trail Race
  • Event Website


California, United States
1 2
"Great Cause & Route - NEEDS HELP! "
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Mark 's thoughts:

OVERALL - This race seems to survive by a dedicated following of locals, and others that use it for a training run. Overall it was definitely not worth the cost, especially since I had to travel and pick up a hotel room. I love the charity but very doubtful I will do this race again - route yes but race no.

WEBSITE - There is no dedicated website for this race and what is provided by Active is not that good.

PACKET PICKUP - Done prior to the race. Was easy, quick and efficient but there were hardly any runners so that made it a lot easier.

EXPO - N/A none

PARKING - $5.00 paid on site. Large amount of parking that is shared with boaters, bikers and visitors to the lake.

Restrooms - Plenty

Entertainment - Had an old rock band playing that was very entertaining. Maybe 2-3 tent/booths of interesting items.

Race MC / Announcements - No microphone just voice that was barely audible, at least get a megaphone for next year or how about using the bands mic. It was nice the folks that run the race gave props for everyone involved but it was done so "Off the Cuff" that it delayed the start by 20min, wasn't able to heard and pointed out the lack of planning.

Route Quality - Fantastic route. Used it as a training race, usually I don't have trouble with not being in marathon shape and just push through but this one has large stretches and some hills that really made me pay for not being ready. Burnt out at 23mi mark and hurt finishing it off. Just a wonderful run.

Start - Would've been much better to start 30min earlier and on time - or close to it. As that would've really helped with the long stretches with direct sunlight.
Timing Points - Very good. Enough to get a good understanding on your pace if a runner doesn't utilize a watch, etc.

Restrooms - Plenty available along the route.
Water/Electrolyte Stops - Plenty available along the route offering both electrolyte and water - but runners that have done it in the past said it dependent on the number of volunteers year-to-year. One of the dedicated annual runners said one year there were no water stops. Scary considering the length, heat and route/terrain.

Medical Area - Didn't see any at the staging-finish area but I believe there was 1-2 along the route.
Race Food/Snacks - Girl Scout cookies before the race and some midway, I think? Seemed like most everyone came prepared for the route/weather.

Swag - Terrible

Medal - Worst ever in 10yrs. They glued a piece of engraved plastic on top of a cheap looking medal from another race. Probably would've been better not to have one at all.

Photos - N/A or none that I know of being offered.

Race Results - Not posted at the end of the race nor any way to find out on a website.

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