Land Run

Land Run

Land Run

( 1 review )
100% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Stillwater,
    United States
  • March
  • 50K
  • Trail Race
  • Event Website


Kansas, United States
0 6
"This is primarily a cycling event, with an ultramarathon as the side dish"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Kimberly 's thoughts:

I am both a runner and a cyclist. So I completely understood this race. But you need to know, this is primarily a gravel cycling event, and the ultra marathon is like the step-child. :) You'll still have a great time though!
The entries open in October and the cycling categories fill up in about 48 hours. The event also advertises a 50K ultra marathon, as well as the "Double" which consists of the 50K ultra + the 100 mile gravel road ride the next day. I decided that I wanted the challenge and variety of training that the double would warrant, without the century distance, so I registered for the 50K ultra and the 50 mile bike ride distance. It appeared on the website that it was possible to do both, as the ultra was scheduled for the Friday of event weekend and the bike rides for Saturday of event weekend. Little did I know...The Land Run's Timeline of Events was released about 10 days before the date of the event. The schedule showed on the "Double" ultra on Friday, with the other 50k'ers running on Saturday at the same time as the 50 and 100 mile bike rides. Say what? So I called the coordinator for clarification (surely they wouldn't set up and man the ultra course two days in row, why not run all the RUNNERS at the same time on Friday???) Nope. As I was not registered for the true "Double" I HAD to run my race on Saturday at the same time as the bike ride, therefore, I could not do the bike ride. When I expressed my frustration with the vagueness of the website and the assumption that I just "knew" this, the race director apologized. I suggested they make it a little clearer for next year.
Anyway, about the race itself.
The expo was held in downtown Stillwater and was a rockin event. The streets were blocked off. Tents with several vendors were set up. Downtown businesses were welcoming. And the host business, District Bicycles, was wide open with lots of friendly staff. They partnered with a local brewery and were serving a special brew for Land Run.
Swag consisted of a t-shirt, Salsa water bottle, several cool stickers, and bike chain lube. The t-shirt is not event specific, has a nice design with the state of Ok, says Land Run 100. Which makes it look like I ran 100 miles, which I didn't. Nobody did. Because it's a 100 mile bike ride. But it's still a cool shirt.
On race day morning, the cyclists start 10 minutes before the runners. The race begins with a CANNON shooting off (cool!). The course takes you through Stillwater and out of town. The first 2 miles were paved, but then we were on ALL Oklahoma red dirt roads. I really, really liked the surface. The red dirt was very dry and almost like a packed sand. Very forgiving, but not technical. The hills though. Wow. I live in a flatter area. I knew I needed to train on hills and I tried and tried to find them. But it wasn't enough. Those Oklahoma b-road hills are for REALS.
When you cross the finish line, the race founder and avid cyclist and all-around positive guy, Bobby, is there to hug every single competitor (cyclists and runners!). He's awesome. Then, they immediately offer you a banana, a pickle, and a beer. :)
Course support was less than at most races, but I train to be self-sufficient so that didn't really bother me. There were two water-only unmanned stations and two manned aid/water/snack stations on the 31 mile course. Potties? No. But plenty of places to find to do your business. (porta potties at the start and finish only) The aid station volunteers were sweet and helpful.
I found that most cyclists that passed me later in the course were friendly and gave me space as they passed. Many offered encouraging words. (the courses were not all exactly the same, but had areas where we shared the course. So, sometimes cyclists were up ahead, but went further, and came back to pass the runners).
All in all, it was a great event. The atmosphere is one of support and celebration. You just need to remember, be ready to take care of you (as most ultra runners do anyway).

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