• Los Angeles,
    United States
  • February
  • 5 miles/8K, 26.2 miles/Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website


Utah, United States
0 5
"Amazing Weekend of Running in LA"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Brian 's thoughts:

What an amazing weekend to be a runner in L.A. I arrived about three days before the marathon, mostly so I could photograph the U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials. The weekend was shaping up to be fairly warm and I was looking forward to running in shorts after training through the Utah winter.

It was incredibly motivational to spend the day photographing the best marathon athletes the United States has to offer. I began photographing the runners as they made 4 laps along Figueroa between the LA Coliseum and the LA Convention Center. It couldn't have been more ideal to an ambitious photographer. I hustled to the finish line as they made their laps, allowing me to catch them multiple times along the course. The best of the sport I love was right before my eyes the entire morning.

It was my first time to the LA downtown area, a spot we usually bypass on our way to Laguna Beach, and I was impressed at the ease of getting around town both by foot and by taxi/Uber. I had planned to rent a car but found that option more costly than taking a taxi.

The Expo was very well organized with ample space for large crowds to navigate, especially for a race this size. I walked in to see rows and rows of helpful volunteers as I secured my bib and race bag. Once I got my things, I was directed to a one way maze through the official retail section, which carried so many well designed and fashionable items, I had to grab a few, then it was onto the expo with all the usual suspects offering their wares.

Race morning was also a model of efficiency as I opted to board the bus at the finish line in Santa Monica headed to Dodger Stadium. Runners are offered the reverse option as well if you prefer to catch a ride back to the start. I had already volunteered at the packet pickup for the Big 5 5K race the day before, also hosted at Dodger Stadium, so I knew what to expect when I arrived. The stadium was open for seating and the race photographers were all doing their jobs well. The buzz in the air was so exciting as the runners began heading for their corrals.

The course is aptly designed to pass a huge pile of landmarks in the LA area, including the Walt Disney Theater, the Hollywood Walk of Fame, Jimmy Kimmel studios, Chinatown, and probably many, many others I didn't even recognize. Looking back, I should have studied the map more carefully to check off landmarks as I passed them. No doubt the course designer couldn't have possibly packed more sites into a 26.2 mile course.

As I approached the finish line, the air began to cool with the proximity to the ocean, which was a nice feeling, and the palm tree lined final mile along the shoreline was one of the most scenic I have ever experienced. Santa Monica was packed and the finish line festival was amazing, but the biggest prize of the day was that massive medal. The medals rival what Olympians receive after claiming the most coveted prize in their respective sports. It was nice and heavy, but not overly large, and certainly equal to the accomplishments of all runners as they made their way from "The Stadium to the Sea."

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