• New York,
    New York,
    United States
  • January
  • 13.1 miles/Half Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

Christopher Di Niso

Staten Island, New York, United States
0 12
"What you’d expect from a Half in January!"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Christopher Di Niso's thoughts:

I signed up for this one not being sure if I’d be able to do it (I work for sanitation, so any chance of snow and I’m stuck at work for 12 plus hours, ha) but thankfully things worked out (worked an overnight shift) and I was able to tackle this race.

This was definitely the worst weather conditions I’ve ever done a half in but to be honest, it’s January... if you’re signing up expecting the weather is going to break perfectly than you’re not being reasonable, ha. It was a miserably cold rain all race long, compounded by the repeated hills of Central Park (and also me getting over the flu from days earlier!), but I training in winter conditions in the weeks leading up to this one helped, as well as the great job NYRR and it’s volunteers (can’t believe so many volunteers made it out here in this weather, ha) did with water stations, post-race snacks and (mercifully, ha) those heat blankets they gave out before soggily trotting over to the bag pick-up.

I don’t know if I’ll get to do this one again next week (work and snow permitting!) but I hope so; it’s a challenging course in a difficult time of the year, but thankfully NYRR seems to do a great job on this race dedicated to Fred. Be sure to look for his statue on the east side of the park as you go!

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