Stone Steps

Stone Steps

Stone Steps

( 1 review )
100% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Cincinnati,
    United States
  • October
  • 50K
  • Trail Race
  • Event Website

Ashley Baker

Lexington, Kentucky, United States
0 6
"Stone Steps 50K"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Ashley Baker's thoughts:

Stone Steps 50K was my first ultra-marathon and I couldn't have picked a better one! It was very well organized with emails and facebook groups. Communication and information was very detailed and timely, and personable on Facebook posts. You could tell that the RD really care! Location is really convenient to interstates and downtown Cincinnati. Parking was right in the middle and you were always only 3-5 miles away from your vehicle, so my aid station was my trunk. They also had an aid station in the middle between your 3-5 mile loops with a variety of items. The RD was at the aid station cheering everyone on and remembered me by name and talked with me every time I ran through. The course is a 5 mile loop and a 3 mile loop ran several times with the aid station in between. The weather was perfect, chilly 45-50 degrees. It rained a little, but it didn't cause any major complications on the course. The trails are really nice, a bit rocky and rooty in places, but it keeps it interesting. The Stone Steps and Gummy Bear Hill were challenging, so definitely get your lunges in!! The race starts at 8, but trekkers and others are invited to start at 7 if you think you need more time. Overall, very nice course, very friendly and supportive people, would definitely run it again!

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