Super Heroes Half Marathon

Super Heroes Half Marathon

Super Heroes Half Marathon

( 6 reviews )
83% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Anaheim,
    United States
  • November
  • 3 miles/5K, 6 miles/10K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website


Delaware, Ohio, United States
0 3
"Super Heroes Half Marathon 2017"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Gary 's thoughts:

This half marathon was the second and final leg of the Infinity Gauntlet Challenge as a part of the RunDisney Super Heroes Half Marathon weekend. This race had the least amount of course spent within the two Disneyland parks which was pretty disappointing, but I'm also not sure how they could squeeze 13 miles in the two parks (the 10k fit in it perfectly). Once the race got off the park grounds the scenery got boring in a hurry while running past strip mall after strip mall in Anaheim. The last third of the course got a lot better, however, as we passed The Honda Center and the Angels ball park where we actually got to run around the outfield and get our picture taken in park which was a pleasant surprise! The race started at 5:30am which was earlier than I was used to, but the energy generated by the pre-race entertainment (including awesome video displays above the start line), the park employees cheering everyone on in the park, and the course DJ's definitely woke me up while we were still on the park grounds. If you normally don't run with headphones because of the course entertainment and support you may want to reconsider for this race because once you get off of the park grounds the crowds support gets very sparse. I chose to wear headphones outside of the park but I still talked to other runners especially ones who were also dressed like The Hulk. This race had the least amount of Marvel character photo ops, but running 13.1 miles I didn't want to stop any more than I had to. The expo took place at the Disneyland Convention Center so it was very large but the volunteers were well organized so we got our bags timely. The race shirt for this race was a long sleeved technical shirt from Champion and fit well and had a cool Thor design. The medal was very unique since it tied into the Avenger movies with Black Widow's logo and the Infinity Gauntlet medal (if it was earned as part of the challenge) was awesome! The course is very flat with the exception of two fairly steep hills up and down as we went under two road overpasses and then getting down and out of the ballpark. We stayed at an onsite hotel so I cannot speak to the race parking. The post-race amenities were very good as well with a unique food box that was handed to participants that had Nutella, cookies, apple sauce squeeze, and a few other things I can't remember. The food box helped move people through the finish efficiently and made it easy to carry because I usually don't eat immediately after a race until my stomach has time to settle down. The race course support was very good with the usual hydration stations and many were well stocked with Vaseline and Biofreeze. I usually don't need to take Biofreeze during a race, but I had done the 5k, 10k, and many miles of post race walking around the parks that weekend so my legs definitely appreciated having it available. The races are quite expensive but I think it was definitely worth it for the experience!

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