Volcanic 50

Volcanic 50

Volcanic 50

( 2 reviews )
100% of reviewers recommend this race
  • St. Helens,
    United States
  • September
  • 50K
  • Trail Race
  • Event Website

Gene Day

Seattle, Washington, United States
0 4
"Butal, Badass, Stunning, and Staggering. "
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Gene Day's thoughts:

OK. First: this race is in Washington, not Oregon, and it's in August, not September. It's a loop of Mount Saint Helens, which is in southern Washington state, about 20 miles north of the border.

This race is hard. Not like, "oh gosh what a workout!" Like, go in prepared or you will be in serious danger HARD. It's 33 miles, 7500' of gain, and hot, and blasting sun, and hazardous side-hill scree hiking with sheer drops, razor sharp pumice boulder fields, and MILES at a time with no water, including 8+ miles between aid stations. It is no joke. Take it seriously. I would not be surprised to hear of a death on this course.

That said, OH MY GOD this was the best experience ever. It was so challenging but so rewarding. There isn't an easy step on the course. They tell you to think of it as closer to a 50 miler, in terms of finishing time. I've never done a 50 miler but this took me two hours and 25 minutes longer than my last ultra, which was two miles longer than this one.

There are *miles* of boulder fields. Box canyons that go on forever. Sand. Dust. And you cross the blast zone of a volcano that erupted only 40 years ago: a denuded moonscape with no shade, no shelter, and nothing to do but press through and get to the other side while admiring the most spectacular views of an open crater you can imagine, with Mts. Rainier, Adams, and Hood looming on three horizons.

I don't want to give a blow by blow of the race, but just want to say that it was PERFECTLY marked, fabulously organized, great volunteers, awesome aid stations, and relentlessly beautiful. If 33 miles of remote, austere, blinding, staggering canyons, boulders, forests, and aggressive hornets appeals to you? You won't find a better race on planet earth.

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