Old Port Half Marathon

Old Port Half Marathon

Old Port Half Marathon

( 18 reviews )
83% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Portland,
    United States
  • July
  • 3 miles/5K, 13.1 miles/Half Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website

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Rhode Island, United States
0 5
"Great course- room for some improvements!"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Lisa 's thoughts:

Beautiful medals! Great race course until mile 12.9 or so. The course has beautiful views, the MC was great, and while its hilly there are enough downhills and flats to make it comfortable.

I did not like the cobblestones right before the finish- seems like many runners felt the same way. I was ready to make my final push for the line and get under a PB goal, and I had to slow down to not trip over very uneven (historic!) cobblestones, especially because they were wet this year! Organizers should re-think the course to finish before the stones, it seems like a needless risk. Apparently, this was a new course this year, so perhaps there's more room for change.

I also wasn’t impressed that, while having two beer gardens definitely reduced the crowd size and made it easier to get beer, both beer gardens didn’t have food- not that I could’ve eaten anything anyway because the only food offered had dairy- but I was hoping just maybe there would be something like a granola bar or whatever from a sponsor! We ended up leaving pretty quickly from what I think could have been a really fun party at what we didn’t realize until we were inside was apparently the smaller garden with beer ONLY.

Finally- only 3 or 4 toilets at mile 4 was a disaster. I would suggest moving the three toilets right after mile 1 to mile 4. That tends to be the time when people need them more...

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