Syracuse Half Marathon

Syracuse Half Marathon

Syracuse Half Marathon

( 14 reviews )
100% of reviewers recommend this race
  • Syracuse,
    New York,
    United States
  • March
  • 13.1 miles/Half Marathon
  • Road Race
  • Event Website


New York, United States
0 4
"Syracuse is Home"
Aid Stations
Course Scenery
Expo Quality
Elevation Difficulty
Race Management
Maura 's thoughts:

I ran this race on March 26, 2017. They have changed the date of this race due to weather conditions over the years but this year it was quite nice. Not too cold once you got moving. The race starts in front of the OnCenter (Convention Center) and the building is open for runners before the race. This gives runners a place to relax out of the cold and/or rain and also bathrooms. I stilled used the port-o-potties outside because there wasn't a line. Packet pickup was held at the local fleet feet, there wasn't an expo but you could shop at the store. The expo was well organized and I got in and out in no time. The morning of the race I took advantage of the shuttles from satellite parking and that was super easy, to and from the race). The post race party is awesome...hardest thing is trying to find friends because it is such a large party. Course support was fabulous and plenty of it along the way. It is a hilly course but hills build character!! They are changing the time of year it will be held due to other events scheduled so the race will be held again in 2017 in November.

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