Latest reviews by Ruthie Maldonado-Delwiche

"An experience unlike any other"
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When I said I wanted to celebrate my birthday crossing the NYC marathon finish line, I didn't know what I was going to experience. NYC marathon was my 10th marathon and it fell on my 65th birthday. The greatest birthday celebration ever. From start to finish, NYRR does it right. The expo is so big and there is so much to see. The speakers they had on their stages offered so much wonderful advice on how to insure you made it to the finish line whole and still smiling. NYC had so much to do all weekend long that my biggest problem was trying to pick just a few without overdoing it. The bus to the start line was so easy. I stayed at the Distrikt Tapestry Collection near the Library which was a short 2 block walk to the bus shuttles. They were filled and moving so quickly. Yes, you get to the start very early but there is plenty of room to sit around. Dunkin Donuts offers free hats, coffee, hot chocolate and there were bagels to fuel with before hand. SIS also was giving out free fueling before. Porta potties were in abundance and the volunteers were extremely knowledgeable. Despite getting to the start at about 7 am and not starting until 11:35 am ... the energy made the time fly. The feed in to the waves and corrals was so organized. Once the cannon went off and we were on our way the energy was contagious. It was unbelievable! I felt like I was flying. Had to remind myself that I had 26.2 miles so I had to slow it down. The birthday celebration wouldn't be complete if I didn't cross that finish line. As for the spectators ... oh my God! Talk about an energy booster. The entertainment, the music, the cheers, the signs, the burroughs welcoming the runners, the security, did I mention the spectators ... a 10+++++. Was it hard ... heck yeah. As I crossed the finishline with tears in my eyes thinking of my favorite run partner/my son Justin and all the people back home who were cheering for me, thinking of my husband and my dad who cheered on me from Heaven, and the tears were flowing. When I saw the hill to get out of the park, I thought one and done. My quads were burning. Yet, as I packed to come home and relived NYC marathon, I am ready to do it again. This was definitely the experience of a lifetime that I hope to be able to do year after year. New York City was unbelievable. Not a quiet moment, aside from the bridges, on that course. 26.2 miles of people cheering on complete strangers and helping us all get to that finish line. Hills ... yes, but that finish line and that medal made every ache and pain worthwhile. Thank you NYC ... this Boricua is ready to come back!!! Thanks for giving me a birthday celebration that I will never forget!!!!! Proud to be a part of the We Are NYC Running Club and major kudos to our capitan @Cesartrelles. Still reliving NYC and will until next year.

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"Great location for a 13.1"
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I loved everything about this race except that there was no expo. They mail you your bib and you pick up your shirt on race morning. Love that there is a shuttle to the start and back which moves very quickly. The spectators were encouraging and helped get me over the hills ... yes, it is a hilly course for this Chicagoan. The Adidas long sleeve shirts are excellent quality and fit perfect. The gear check was very well staffed and the volunteers throughout the race were wonderful. The medal is cute ... and a nice addition to my collection. Stayed at the Copley Square Hotel which is walking distance from the bus shuttles and in the heart of everything. Great hotel for an even greater race. The race started at 8 am and the temps were in the 30s and didn't feel much warmer when I finished. Overall I rate this race a 10 for a wonderful experience. Boston has an "old" feel to it and the race allowed me to see it all. Loved the nature as we ran through and around the zoo.

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"What an amazing race ... all that I expected and more"
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After reading the reviews, I expected one hill and then a flat course. Well when you are from flat-Chicago, I have to say the description given was not correct. It was more than just one hill. True, there was one killer hill and that was at about 8.2 miles and a killer it was. I will confess, I walked that baby. :) But there were several rolling hills. The course it on a wide street so you have plenty of room to move around runners and walkers alike. It was a beautiful course where trees lined both sides.

I will say from signing up pre-covid to actually running this race, the organizers communicated wonderfully the entire time. We stayed at the Sofitel on 17th Street which was less than 2 miles from both the expo and the start of the 5k and the 10 miler. We walked to the expo in the rain, and back. Numerous restaurants in the area to eat and prefuel. The volunteers were amazing and the Rocky music blaring at the miler markers really gave you the extra pump of energy to push like you were "Rocky." The bling is out of this world. Definitely 3 of the nicest medals I have received in some time.

Loved the many individuals dressed in Rocky-looking attire making it feel as if you were actually running alongside Rocky.

The energy from start to finish is amazing. I would highly recommend the RockRun 13.1 Italian Challange to all runners. What a memorable and fun time was had.

After the race we visited Market Street and had their Philly Cheese Steak and Franklin Ice Cream. Yum Yum

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"Shakeout run before the big 26.2 mile party"
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Always a fun time running the 5k before the marathon. The energy is in the air ... such a great way to celebrate before the big dance the next day. It's a fun time with family and friends coming together to celebrate the start of the wonderful weekend. It is a flat out and back course. The spectators are wonderful as is hydration provided on the course. Wonderful way to get a taste of what to expect the next day.

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"A party through the City of Chicago"
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I have been running the Chicago Marathon since 2017. I absolutely love the flat course where you get to run through 29 different neighborhoods ... all with spectators galore. From the expo to the finishline of the marathon it is an amazing experience. The volunteers are amazing and water/nutrition is plentiful. The city truly comes together for this party and PILSEN (mile 19.5) truly adds FUN to the marathon. The community comes out full force providing music, bananas, candy, and even tequila and beer for those who want it. I can honestly say that running my first marathon in Chicago at the age of 58 I am thankful it was the Chicago marathon. It got me hooked and I will continue coming back! 2022 was no different ... I loved it from start to finish dancing through Pilsen with the variety of music that was blaring!!!!!

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